New Customers

找到一個手鑽或取樣應該是簡單的,但最喜歡的事情,,en,當你專注於它,,en,它變得更加複雜,,en,新客戶/這種類型的設備的用戶應該從這裡開始,因此您可以更好地了解什麼是這個網站的其他部分所示,,en,不要擔心問我們的問題,,en,我們在這裡幫助你做出最好的決定,因為一個滿意的顧客會告訴別人關於我們的好東西,,en,我們有幾種不同類型的土壤取樣的範圍在直徑間距:50mm至100mm,,en,我們也有開放式螺旋絞龍是可用,,en,主尺寸,,en,毫米和由任一1.0M或1.5M長,並且這些附加到普通管狀延伸桿去逐漸更深62毫米,,en,摩擦變得過高,有,,en,連續的螺旋形的米,,en, when you specialise in it, it becomes more complex. New customers/users of this type of equipment should start here so you can understand better what is shown on the rest of this website.

Don’t be concerned about asking us questions, we’re here to help you make the best decisions because a happy customer will tell others good things about us.

We have several different types of soil samplers ranging in diameters from 50mm to 100mm. We also have open spiral augers that are available in 2 main sizes, 50mm and 62mm by either 1.0M or 1.5M long and these attach to plain tubular extension rods to go incrementally deeper (friction becomes too high to have > 1.5m of continuous spiral).

We also have several other ‘shell type’ soil samplers that use a hollow tube design with different cutter styles for different soil types to incrementally sample soils and these come in a nominal 50mm or 62mm or 75mm or 100mm size. We recommend the 62mm or 75mm size because the 50mm tends to block up easily and the 100mm is bloody hard work. These ‘shell type’ sampling heads are 450mm long and are welded to a tubular shaft that make each either 1.0M or 1.5M long to create a more comfortable length to operate and to enable easier logging of depths.

Of the ‘shell type’ the SOS is the general purpose, the SA is for sand, the SON is better than the SOS in gravel, 超氧化物歧化酶是硬幹粘土更好,SOC是僅適用於軟粘土壤和JA是淺採樣較小的採樣,,en,我們採樣的最小直徑由我們的普通管狀延長桿的使用逐步去比越深直徑管轄,,en,取樣器本身米長,,en,我們的延長桿從直徑40mm輕質管在頂部連接在底部螺紋的陽和對應的陰螺紋製成,我們有彈簧鋼托米酒吧,,en,破碎桿,,en,該插入件插入孔相鄰的螺紋端撤消那些螺紋連接,,en.

The minimum diameter of our samplers is governed by the diameter of our plain tubular extension rods used to incrementally go deeper than the 1.0 metre length of the sampler itself. Our extension rods are made from 40mm diameter lightweight tube with a male connecting thread on the bottom and a corresponding female thread at the top and we have spring steel Tommy Bars (breaker bars) that insert into holes adjacent to each threaded end to undo those threaded connections.

石或碎石是最大的問題了手工操作的採樣,因為刀具不能切割的石頭,因此必須替換內部或外部的採樣和礫石土壤每塊石頭有很多石塊,導致切割器彈開每一塊石頭引起採樣失控反彈,這大大降低了滲透,,en,鑽機具有保持螺旋穩定,迫使石塊掉的權力,但一個人不能,,en,即使使用我們的電動單元,,en,因為當它擊中石頭一個人不能穩固握持它並沒有解決這個問題 - 電動單元具有比一個人或更多的權力,,en,男人可以容納這樣他們就可以得到移動比石頭更,,en.

A drill rig has the power to hold the auger steady and force the stones away but a man cannot. Even using our motorised unit, 該Drillmite, it does not solve this problem because a man can’t hold it steady when it hits stones – the motorised unit has more power than a man or even 2 men can hold so they can get moved more than the stones.


We also have several sizes of Star Drill and Stone Catcher attachments to displace stones or to pulverise them where necessary, most prefer to just relocate the hole in hope of missing the stones.

我們有 5 different auger styles and most of them are specialised for different soil conditions:

  1. SOS is a general purpose soil sampler.
  2. SA is a sand sampler (standard are for clean sand and Heavy Duty for when debris in the sand).
  3. SON是 目前已停產 - 使用嚴重土壤中的SOD.
  4. SOD is for hard dry clays and has more aggressive cutters; can be used on all soils but is harder to turn.
  5. SOC是 目前已停產 - 使用SA的粘濕的土壤.
  6. JA is a short open top style sampler for shallow sampling (less than 1m deep).
  7. SP is an open spiral auger more commonly used to drill holes or to penetrate hard layers.

We also have some other specialised samplers for undisturbed samples or wet sediment sampling.

See more info and pictures of these under “產品” on the website menu bar and on each page look for more links for more detail. Our prices are under “價目表” on the menu bar and on that page is also an order form if needed or just email us a list so we can do a quote.

我們也有不受干擾的採樣和沉積物採樣和不同的手柄選擇配件,,en,標準塗漆鋼板或棘輪類型,,en,攜帶行李或工具盒和不同的延長桿,,en,鋁,,en,鋼或不銹鋼,,en (standard painted steel or ratchet types), carry bags or tool boxes and different Extension rods (aluminium, steel or stainless steel).

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