Slide Hammer


Item code SH
The Slide Hammer is used with our Split-Tube Sampler or our Push-Tube Samplers or any of our other samplers to provide a measured blow to drive them into the soil. The Slide Hammer is a 2-part item with a special T-handle that has a female thread in the top to engage the sliding hammer piece which has a male connection thread (same specs as our other connecting threads).
Is used to aid Star Drill, Dlijeto ili kamena Catcher pokupiti kamenje. Dolazi s posebnim T-Handle.

Important Notes:

  1. The Slide Hammer is not designed to hammer upwards because the load is transferred to the threads only and can damage the threads or break a weld and this is not covered by our warranty. When hammering downwards the load is spread onto the body of the sampler or extension rod, not the threads. The T-handle is for pulling upwards.
  2. Keep all threaded connections tight or the loose fitment will cause damage to the threads and subsequent damage is not covered by our warranty.

Mogućnosti: Only available with Coarse Thread.



ID kod





T-Handle with sliding weight driver.



Dormer TLA uzorkovanje se koriste za:
  • Prospecting
  • Geologija
  • Geografija
  • Rudarstvo
  • Deratizacija
  • Šumarstvo
  • Zagađenje uzorkovanja
  • Vlaga sonde za ugradnju
  • Istraživanje & Obrazovanje
  • Voda Lociranje
  • Kvalitet vode
  • Geotehnički
  • Znanstveni
  • Poljoprivreda
  • Ekološki
  • Blagom
  • Arheologiju
  • Inženjering
  • Mineralna ispitivanje
  • Podzemnih voda Analiza
  • Forensic istrage
  • Surfanje karnevali.


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