Dormer Soil Sample Probe Introduction

Soil Sample Probe

Dormer Soil Samplers-en, we specialize in the research, design, and production of manual soil sample probes, a range of indispensable tools we proudly export to 97 countries worldwide.

Within our extensive product portfolio, we offer various soil sample probes, boasting diameters that span from 50mm to 100mm. Our core selection includes open spiral augers, available in two primary sizes: 50mm eta 62 mm, with options for 1.0M or 1.5M in length.

These probe heads can be affixed to plain tubular extension rods, enabling incremental penetration into the soil. Beyond 1.5 meters, the escalation of friction makes it impractical to maintain continuous spiral advancement.

Soil Sample Probe Details

In addition to our foundational offerings, we present an array of ‘shell typesoil sample probes, ingeniously designed with hollow tube structures and equipped with diverse cutter styles tailored for distinct soil types.

These ‘shell typeprobes are available in nominal diameters of 50mm, 62mm, 75mm, eta 100mm, with each probe head measuring 450mm in length. Welded to tubular shafts, these probes can be configured at lengths of either 1.0M or 1.5M, optimizing both operational comfort and facilitating precise depth logging.

Among the ‘shell typesoil sample probes, the SOS model stands out as a versatile, general-purpose tool, suitable for a wide spectrum of soil types. The SA variant is purpose-built for sand sampling, offered in standard and Heavy Duty configurations to address both clean sand and sand laden with debris.

For soils characterized by hardness and dryness, the SOD probe excels, with its more aggressive cutters, though it demands more effort to operate. In cases of shallow sampling, the JA model, a compact open-top sampler, is a suitable choice, particularly designed for depths of less than 1 meter. Our SP probe, an open spiral design, is commonly employed for drilling holes and penetrating hard soil layers.

It is important to note that the minimum diameter of our soil sample probes is dictated by the diameter of the plain tubular extension rods, essential for incremental soil penetration beyond the 1.0-meter sampler length.

These extension rods are meticulously crafted from lightweight 40mm diameter tubing, featuring a male connecting thread at the lower end and a corresponding female thread at the upper end. To assist in the disassembly of threaded connections, spring steel Tommy Bars (breaker bars) are included for your convenience.

Stones or gravel can pose significant challenges when using manual soil sample probes. These obstructions, impervious to the probe’s cutters, necessitate their displacement, either inside or outside the sampler.

In gravely soils, where numerous stones abound, the cutters may bounce off these obstacles, causing the sampler to move unpredictably, resulting in reduced penetration. Unlike a drill rig, which possesses the power to stabilize the auger and displace stones, manual operators lack the precision required for such tasks.

Even with the aid of our motorized unit, Drillmite du, the issue persists as human operators struggle to maintain stability upon encountering stones. Although demanding in terms of strength and persistence, manual operators can eventually overcome these challenges.

As an alternative, we offer a range of Star Drill and Stone Catcher attachments, available in various sizes, beharrezkoa denean harriak lekualdatzeko edo pulberizatzeko diseinatua. Erabiltzaile asko, hala ere, zundaketa lekuz aldatzearen aldeko apustua egin dute harriarekin lotutako eragozpenak guztiz saihesteko asmoz.

Laburbilduz, Dormer Soil Samplers-ek lurzoruaren lagin-zunden aukeraketa zabala eskaintzen du, bakoitza zorrotz diseinatuta lurzoruaren baldintza zehatzei erantzuteko.

Irtenbide anitzekoak eskaintzeko dugun konpromisoa osagarri ugaritara hedatzen da, hainbat motatako heldulekuak barne (margotutako altzairu edo trinketa estandarra), poltsak eraman, tresna-kutxak, eta luzapen-barrak (aluminioan eskuragarri, steel, edo altzairu herdoilgaitza). Gure taldea zure lurzoruaren laginketa eskakizunak betetzeko ekipamendu aproposa hautatzen lagunduko dizu.

Ikuspegi eta irudikapen bisual gehiago lortzeko, mesedez bisitatu gure webgunea helbidean, prezioen zerrenda zabala ere barne hartzen duena.

DORMER LURRAREN samplers DIRA erabiltzen:
  • Prospekzioa
  • Geologiako
  • Geografia
  • Meatze
  • Pest Control
  • Baso
  • Kutsadura Laginketa
  • Hezetasuna Probatu instalazioa
  • Ikerketa eta Hezkuntza
  • Ura kokapena
  • Uraren kalitatea
  • Geoteknikoa
  • Scientific
  • Nekazaritza
  • Ingurumen
  • Treasure Ehiza
  • Arkeologia
  • Ingeniaritza
  • Mineral Assaying
  • Ground Water azterketak
  • Auzitegiko Ikerketa
  • Surf Inauteriak.


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