Dormer Tilbehør
Accessories is a broad term used to describe all the other bits and pieces available, including T-handles, Tommy Barer, Carry Poser, Tool Boxes, Chisels, Star Drills, etc.
To undo the threaded joints and to hold the “drill string” to prevent it from falling down the hole. Also used to remove the sample from the auger or for turning the capstan. Sold in pairs (2 bars).
For å bryte opp harde lag eller steiner. Best brukes med Stone Catcher (chopper) og Slide Hammer.
Used to pick up stones. Best used with Star Drill and Slide Hammer.
Used to aid Star Drill, Chisel or Stone Catcher to pick up stones. Comes with special T-Handle. Best used with Star Drill and Stone Catcher.
For adapting (changing) from one thread type to another. Vi har 2 standard types of thread “fine” (5/8 inch or approximately 16mm Whitworth) og “grov” 1&1/8 inch or approximately 28mm Acme) and we also provide ¾ inch or approximately 20mm NB pipe threads for some customers.
For manual turning of the augers.
Several sample kits are listed and these can be varied to suit your individual requirements. A kit consists of a full set of equipment with at least 6 extension rods and a carry bag for which a 7.5% discount to the sum of the individual prices is given.
For å støtte toppen av hullet i tørr løs sand eller svært våt jord, å forebygge hull kollapse og falle-in som forurenser prøven. Den består av en 1.0 meter lang aluminium tube (kan kuttes for å passe) utstyrt med håndtak og og en aluminium bush som glir over skaftet på Auger.
- Bære poser
Laget av lerret med forsterkede ender, lærbelter og et håndtak av stål. Brukes til å oppbevare utstyret i og har god plass for et komplett sett (kit) av utstyr og litt ekstra utstyr
- TOOL BOX (Safari)
Lightweight steel boxes to transport or store larger quantities of equipment, mostly required when using casing, large number of extention rods or used in conjunction with other equipment which is bulky.