Indkøb af den ideelle håndsnegl eller prøveudtager: En omfattende guide

At finde den rigtige snegl eller prøveudtager kan virke ligetil ved første øjekast. Men, som det ofte er tilfældet med specialudstyr, processen kan blive mere indviklet.

For nybegyndere på dette område, denne introduktionsvejledning tjener som et værdifuldt udgangspunkt, forbedre din forståelse af det omfattende produktsortiment, der præsenteres på vores hjemmeside.

Tøv ikke med at kontakte os med spørgsmål eller usikkerheder; vi er her for at hjælpe dig med at træffe informerede beslutninger, da vi er overbevist om, at en tilfreds kunde bliver en brandfortaler.

Vores mangfoldige udvalg af jordprøvetagere omfatter et spektrum af diametre, fra 50 mm til 100 mm.

Derudover, vi tilbyder åbne spiralsnegle i to primære størrelser: 50mm og 62 mm, med mulighed for 1,0M eller 1,5M længder. Disse snegle er kompatible med almindelige rørformede forlængerstænger, giver mulighed for trinvis dybdeudvidelse. Beyond this threshold, excessive friction hampers the feasibility of maintaining a continuous spiral.

In addition to the open spiral augers, we feature a variety of ‘shell type’ jord samplere. These samplers employ a hollow tube design and come equipped with different cutter styles tailored to various soil types.

Available in nominal sizes of 50mm, 62mm, 75mm, og 100mm, we strongly recommend the 62mm or 75mm variants.

The 50mm samplers tend to clog easily, while the 100mm samplers demand substantial physical exertion. These ‘shell typesampling heads, each measuring 450mm in length, are affixed to tubular shafts, creating lengths of 1.0M or 1.5M. This not only enhances operational comfort but also facilitates depth logging.

Among the ‘shell typesamplers, the SOS model serves as a versatile general-purpose option. The SA variant is specifically designed for sand, while the SON outperforms the SOS in gravelly terrain.

The SOD model is tailored for hard, dry clays, and the SOC variant is exclusively suited for soft, adhesive soils. For shallow sampling, the JA model offers a compact solution.

It is essential to note that the minimum diameter of our samplers is determined by the dimensions of our plain tubular extension rods, which are essential for achieving greater depths beyond the 1.0-meter sampler length. These extension rods are crafted from lightweight 40mm diameter tube and are equipped with a male connecting thread at the bottom, complemented by a corresponding female thread at the top. Spring steel Tommy Bars (breaker bars) er tilvejebragt for at lette frigørelsen af ​​gevindforbindelser.

Håndbetjente prøveudtagere støder på betydelige udfordringer, når de støder på sten eller grus i jorden. Kutterne er ikke i stand til at trænge igennem disse forhindringer og skal enten forskyde stenene inden i eller uden for prøveudtageren. I grusrige jorder, tilstedeværelsen af ​​adskillige sten kan få fræserne til at springe tilbage, fører til ukontrollerbar prøvetagningsbevægelse og reduceret penetration.

A drill rig possesses the power to stabilize the auger and displace stones, but manual operation is hindered by the inability to achieve this level of control. Even our motorized unit, Det Drillmite, encounters difficulties when confronted with stones, as its power exceeds the capability of a single or even two individuals to maintain stability.

While it is possible for a determined individual to overcome these challenges with strength and perseverance, the process can be a formidable battle. To address this issue, we offer various sizes of Star Drill and Stone Catcher attachments, designed to displace or pulverize stones when necessary. Many users opt to relocate the borehole in the hopes of avoiding stone encounters altogether.

In summary, the selection of the ideal hand auger or sampler is a nuanced process, and our extensive range of options reflects our commitment to providing tailored solutions for various soil types and sampling needs. We are dedicated to guiding and supporting our customers in making informed choices, at sikre deres tilfredshed og tillid til vores produkter og tjenester.

  • Forundersøgelse
  • Geologi
  • Geografi
  • Mining
  • Skadedyrskontrol
  • Skovbrug
  • Forurening Sampling
  • Fugt Probe Installation
  • Forskning & Uddannelse
  • Vand Lokalisering
  • Vandkvalitet
  • Geotekniske
  • Videnskabelige
  • Landbrug
  • Miljømæssige
  • Treasure Jagt
  • Arkæologi
  • Engineering
  • Mineral analysering
  • Ground Water Analysis
  • Forensic Investigation
  • Surf Carnivals.


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