采购理想的手钻或取样器: 综合指南
乍一看,找到右手螺旋钻或取样器似乎很简单. 然而, 与专业设备经常发生的情况一样, 这个过程可能会变得更加复杂.
对于这个领域的新手, 本介绍性指南是一个有价值的起点, 增强您对我们网站上提供的全面产品系列的了解.
Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or uncertainties; we are here to assist you in making informed decisions, as we firmly believe that a contented customer becomes a brand advocate.
Our diverse selection of soil samplers encompasses a spectrum of diameters, ranging from 50mm to 100mm.
此外, we offer open spiral augers in two primary sizes: 50毫米和62毫米, with the option of 1.0M or 1.5M lengths. These augers are compatible with plain tubular extension rods, allowing for incremental depth extension. Beyond this threshold, excessive friction hampers the feasibility of maintaining a continuous spiral.
In addition to the open spiral augers, we feature a variety of ‘shell type’ 土壤取样. These samplers employ a hollow tube design and come equipped with different cutter styles tailored to various soil types.
Available in nominal sizes of 50mm, 62毫米, 75毫米, 和100mm, we strongly recommend the 62mm or 75mm variants.
The 50mm samplers tend to clog easily, while the 100mm samplers demand substantial physical exertion. 这些‘壳型’’ sampling heads, each measuring 450mm in length, are affixed to tubular shafts, creating lengths of 1.0M or 1.5M. This not only enhances operational comfort but also facilitates depth logging.
其中‘壳型’’ samplers, the SOS model serves as a versatile general-purpose option. The SA variant is specifically designed for sand, while the SON outperforms the SOS in gravelly terrain.
The SOD model is tailored for hard, 干粘土, and the SOC variant is exclusively suited for soft, adhesive soils. For shallow sampling, JA 型号提供紧凑的解决方案.
值得注意的是,我们采样器的最小直径是由我们的普通管状延长杆的尺寸决定的, 这对于实现超过 1.0 米采样器长度的更大深度至关重要. 这些延长杆由轻质 40 毫米直径管制成,底部配有外螺纹连接, 顶部配有相应的内螺纹. 弹簧钢Tommy Bars (breaker bars) 提供方便螺纹连接的拆卸.
当遇到土壤中的石头或砾石时,手动采样器会遇到巨大的挑战. 切割机无法穿透这些障碍物,必须将石块移至取样器内部或外部. 在富含砾石的土壤中, 大量石头的存在可能会导致刀具反弹, 导致采样器运动失控并降低穿透力.
钻机具有稳定螺旋钻和移动石头的能力, 但手动操作因无法实现这种控制水平而受到阻碍. 甚至我们的机动单位, the Drillmite, 遇到石头就会遇到困难, 因为它的力量超出了一个人甚至两个人维持稳定的能力.
虽然意志坚定的人可以凭借力量和毅力克服这些挑战, 这个过程可能是一场艰苦的战斗. 为了解决这个问题, 我们提供各种尺寸的星钻和石捕手附件, 设计用于在必要时移动或粉碎石头. 许多用户选择重新定位钻孔,希望完全避免遇到石头.
总之, 选择理想的手动螺旋钻或取样器是一个微妙的过程, 我们广泛的选择体现了我们致力于为各种土壤类型和采样需求提供定制解决方案的承诺. 我们致力于指导和支持客户做出明智的选择, 确保他们对我们的产品和服务感到满意和信任.