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NAVODILA ZA RAVNANJE HANDA ali vzorčevalnika morata biti preprosta, ampak kot večina stvari,,en,ko se specializirate v njej,,en,postane bolj zapleteno,,en,Nove stranke / uporabniki te vrste opreme bi se morali začeti tukaj, da boste bolje razumeli, kaj je prikazano na preostanku te spletne strani,,en,Ne skrbite, če nam postavljate vprašanja,,en,tu smo, da vam pomagamo pri odločanju, saj bo srečna stranka drugim o nas dobro sporočila dobre stvari,,en,Imamo več različnih tipov vzorčevalcev tal v razponu od 50 mm do 100 mm,,en,Imamo tudi odprta spiralna vijaka, ki so na voljo v,,en,glavne velikosti,,en,mm in 62 mm, bodisi dolga 1,0 m ali 1,5 m, ki se pritrdijo na navadne cevaste podaljšane palice, da gredo postopoma globlje,,en,trenje postane previsoko, če ga imate,,en,m stalne spirale,,en, when you specialise in it, it becomes more complex. New customers/users of this type of equipment should start here so you can understand better what is shown on the rest of this website.
Don’t be concerned about asking us questions, we’re here to help you make the best decisions because a happy customer will tell others good things about us.
We have several different types of soil samplers ranging in diameters from 50mm to 100mm. We also have open spiral augers that are available in 2 main sizes, 50mm and 62mm by either 1.0M or 1.5M long and these attach to plain tubular extension rods to go incrementally deeper (friction becomes too high to have > 1.5m of continuous spiral).
We also have several other ‘shell type’ soil samplers that use a hollow tube design with different cutter styles for different soil types to incrementally sample soils and these come in a nominal 50mm or 62mm or 75mm or 100mm size. We recommend the 62mm or 75mm size because the 50mm tends to block up easily and the 100mm is bloody hard work. These ‘shell type’ sampling heads are 450mm long and are welded to a tubular shaft that make each either 1.0M or 1.5M long to create a more comfortable length to operate and to enable easier logging of depths.
Of the ‘shell type’ the SOS is the general purpose, the SA is for sand, the SON is better than the SOS in gravel, SOD je boljša v trdih suhih gline in SOC je le za mehka lepljiva tla, JA pa je manjši vzorčevalnik za plitvo vzorčenje,,en,Najmanjši premer naših vzorčevalcev ureja premer naših navadnih cevastih podaljševalnih palic, ki se uporabljajo za postopno globlje od,,en,merilna dolžina samega vzorčevalnika,,en,Naše podaljšane palice so narejene iz lahke cevi s premerom 40 mm z moško povezovalno nitjo na dnu in z ustreznim notranjim navojem na vrhu in imamo vzmetno jeklo Tommy Bars,,en,razbremenilne palice,,en,ki vstavijo v luknje ob vsakem navojnem koncu, da razveljavijo te navojne povezave,,en.
The minimum diameter of our samplers is governed by the diameter of our plain tubular extension rods used to incrementally go deeper than the 1.0 metre length of the sampler itself. Our extension rods are made from 40mm diameter lightweight tube with a male connecting thread on the bottom and a corresponding female thread at the top and we have spring steel Tommy Bars (breaker bars) that insert into holes adjacent to each threaded end to undo those threaded connections.
Kamni ali pesek so največja težava za ročno upravljane vzorčevalce, saj noži ne morejo rezati kamnov, zato morajo vsak kamen spustiti v notranjost ali zunaj vzorčevalnika, v gramoznih tleh pa je veliko kamnov, ki povzročajo, da se noži odklenejo od vsakega kamna, ki povzroča vzorčevalnik se lahko nekontrolirano odklene in to močno zmanjša penetracijo,,en,Vrtalna plošča ima moč, da drži vijak enakomerno in prisilijo kamenje, človeka pa ne more,,en,Tudi z uporabo naše motorizirane enote,,en,ta problem ne reši, ker moški ne more stalno držati, ko udari kamne - motorna enota ima več moči kot moški ali celo,,en,moški lahko držijo, da se lahko premaknejo več kot kamni,,en.
A drill rig has the power to hold the auger steady and force the stones away but a man cannot. Even using our motorised unit, the Drillmite, it does not solve this problem because a man can’t hold it steady when it hits stones – the motorised unit has more power than a man or even 2 men can hold so they can get moved more than the stones.
Z močjo in vztrajnostjo človek lahko to doseže, vendar je lahko bitka,,en,Imamo tudi več velikosti Star Drill in Stone Catcher priključki za premikanje kamnov ali jih poškodovati, kjer je potrebno,,en,najbolj raje samo, da se preselijo v luknjo v upanju, da manjkajo kamni,,en,različni slogi sornika in večina je specializirana za različne talne pogoje,,en,SOS je vzorčevalnik tla v splošnem namenu,,en,SA je vzorčevalnik peska,,en,standardni so za čisti pesek in težka obremenitev, ko so v pesku umazani,,en,SON je naš prejšnji GP vzorčevalec in zdaj je prednostna za težka tla,,en,SOD je za trde suhe gline in ima bolj agresivne nože,,en,se lahko uporablja na vseh tleh, vendar je težje spremeniti,,en,Imamo tudi nemoteno vzorčevalce in vzorčevalce sedimenta ter pribor z izbiro različnih ročajev,,en.
We also have several sizes of Star Drill and Stone Catcher attachments to displace stones or to pulverise them where necessary, most prefer to just relocate the hole in hope of missing the stones.
Imamo 5 different auger styles and most of them are specialised for different soil conditions:
- SOS is a general purpose soil sampler.
- SA is a sand sampler (standard are for clean sand and Heavy Duty for when debris in the sand).
- SIN je ZDAJ PREKINJENO - uporabljajte SOD za groba tla.
- SOD is for hard dry clays and has more aggressive cutters; can be used on all soils but is harder to turn.
- SOC je ZDAJ PREKINJENO - uporabite SA za lepljiva mokra tla.
- JA is a short open top style sampler for shallow sampling (less than 1m deep).
- SP is an open spiral auger more commonly used to drill holes or to penetrate hard layers.
We also have some other specialised samplers for undisturbed samples or wet sediment sampling.
See more info and pictures of these under “Izdelki” on the website menu bar and on each page look for more links for more detail. Our prices are under “Cenik” on the menu bar and on that page is also an order form if needed or just email us a list so we can do a quote.
We also have undisturbed samplers and sediment samplers and accessories with choices of different handles (standardno lakirano jeklo ali vrste rakete,,en,nosijo vreče ali škatle za orodje in različne podaljšane palice,,en,aluminij,,en,jeklo ali nerjavno jeklo,,en), carry bags or tool boxes and different Extension rods (aluminium, steel or stainless steel).