Blautur seti Samplers
To sample wet sediments it needs to be done in one sample because the hole collapses after the sampler is removed.
Þessir fela í:
The gouge Auger, the Undisturbed Wet Soil Sampler (UWS), the Piston Sampler and the Russian D-Sampler.
- Gouge nafar
Due to our loss of experienced staff during the Covid-19 lockdowns we have paused manufacturing these samplers
Þetta er hannað til að taka ótrufluðu sýni úr mjög mjúkum og helst mjög blautur jarðvegi. It is a tapered stainless steel tube with one side cut away. - Stimpla Sampler
These are available as 2 main versions, Yfirborðið gerð og Down Hole gerð. Báðir hafa hreyfanlegri bullu sem skapar sog inni í sýnahylki.
- Rússneska D Sampler
Due to our loss of experienced staff during the Covid-19 lockdowns we have paused manufacturing these samplers
The Russian D-Sampler er notað í mjög, very soft and wet conditions like swamps and can sample at any given depth. The sýnatökubúnaðarins er gert úr hálf-rör (langtímasnið) úr ryðfríu stáli með einum oddmjóa endann ál, hlifarspeldi (blað) og tenging um framlengingu stöfunum. - Gróin Wet Jarðvegur Sampler
This sampler is for obtaining undisturbed samples in water saturated materials and retains the sample inside a removable soft clear plastic tube and uses a plastic sample retainer (split fingered one-way valve).