Iskanje idealnega ročnega svedra ali vzorčevalnika: Obsežen vodnik

Iskanje pravega svedra ali vzorčevalnika se morda na prvi pogled zdi preprosto. Vendar, kot je pogosto pri specializirani opremi, postopek lahko postane bolj zapleten.

Za novince na tem področju, ta uvodni vodnik služi kot dragoceno izhodišče, izboljšanje vašega razumevanja obsežne ponudbe izdelkov, predstavljenih na naši spletni strani.

Ne oklevajte in se obrnite na nas z vprašanji ali nejasnostmi; tukaj smo, da vam pomagamo pri sprejemanju premišljenih odločitev, saj smo trdno prepričani, da zadovoljna stranka postane zagovornik blagovne znamke.

Naš raznolik izbor vzorčevalnikov tal obsega spekter premerov, v razponu od 50 mm do 100 mm.

Dodatno, we offer open spiral augers in two primary sizes: 50mm and 62mm, with the option of 1.0M or 1.5M lengths. These augers are compatible with plain tubular extension rods, allowing for incremental depth extension. Beyond this threshold, excessive friction hampers the feasibility of maintaining a continuous spiral.

In addition to the open spiral augers, we feature a variety of ‘shell type’ tal vzorčevalniki. These samplers employ a hollow tube design and come equipped with different cutter styles tailored to various soil types.

Available in nominal sizes of 50mm, 62mm, 75mm, in 100mm, we strongly recommend the 62mm or 75mm variants.

The 50mm samplers tend to clog easily, while the 100mm samplers demand substantial physical exertion. These ‘shell typesampling heads, each measuring 450mm in length, are affixed to tubular shafts, creating lengths of 1.0M or 1.5M. This not only enhances operational comfort but also facilitates depth logging.

Among the ‘shell typesamplers, the SOS model serves as a versatile general-purpose option. The SA variant is specifically designed for sand, while the SON outperforms the SOS in gravelly terrain.

The SOD model is tailored for hard, suhe gline, and the SOC variant is exclusively suited for soft, adhesive soils. For shallow sampling, the JA model offers a compact solution.

It is essential to note that the minimum diameter of our samplers is determined by the dimensions of our plain tubular extension rods, which are essential for achieving greater depths beyond the 1.0-meter sampler length. These extension rods are crafted from lightweight 40mm diameter tube and are equipped with a male connecting thread at the bottom, complemented by a corresponding female thread at the top. Spring steel Tommy Bars (breaker bars) are provided to facilitate the detachment of threaded connections.

Hand-operated samplers encounter substantial challenges when encountering stones or gravel within the soil. The cutters are unable to penetrate these obstructions and must either displace the stones inside or outside the sampler. In gravel-rich soils, the presence of numerous stones can cause the cutters to rebound, leading to uncontrollable sampler movement and reduced penetration.

A drill rig possesses the power to stabilize the auger and displace stones, but manual operation is hindered by the inability to achieve this level of control. Even our motorized unit, the Drillmite, encounters difficulties when confronted with stones, as its power exceeds the capability of a single or even two individuals to maintain stability.

While it is possible for a determined individual to overcome these challenges with strength and perseverance, the process can be a formidable battle. To address this issue, we offer various sizes of Star Drill and Stone Catcher attachments, designed to displace or pulverize stones when necessary. Many users opt to relocate the borehole in the hopes of avoiding stone encounters altogether.

In summary, the selection of the ideal hand auger or sampler is a nuanced process, and our extensive range of options reflects our commitment to providing tailored solutions for various soil types and sampling needs. We are dedicated to guiding and supporting our customers in making informed choices, ensuring their satisfaction and trust in our products and services.

  • Iskanje
  • Geologija
  • Geografija
  • Rudarstvo
  • Pest Control
  • Gozdarstvo
  • Onesnaževanje Vzorčenje
  • Vlaga sonde za namestitev
  • Raziskave in izobraževanje
  • Voda Iskanje
  • Kakovost vode
  • Geotehnično
  • Znanstveni
  • Kmetijstvo
  • Okoljska
  • Lov za zakladom
  • Arheologija
  • Inženiring
  • Mineral preskušanje
  • Podtalnica Analiza
  • Forenzična preiskava
  • Surf karnevala.


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